Let's Get Started

Let's Get Started

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Schedule Your Consultation

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Initial Visit

We work with your schedule to find a time to walk the property together. This may be before or after your workday, a weekend day, or even a FaceTime call. Whatever time works for you, works for us.

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Review our Initial Report

After our initial visit, our team will send you a sample inspection report based on our first walkthrough. These inspection reports will look the same as what the homeowner will receive after each inspection. 

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Customize your plan

Now you get to choose just how hands off you want your home ownership experience to be. We will customize the inspection report specific to your property and determine the frequency of visits. We will also collect information regarding vendor management and concierge services. 

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Enjoy your new freetime!

Vacation homes are supposed to take away your stress, not add to it. Rest assured your home and all the responsibilities it comes with will be taken care of by Neversweat.

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